Sportscenteret Svalbard
Outdoors & sports
Tents, sleeping bags, skis etc. We have everything for your next hike.
For all ages and use-cases, both regular and electric
Personal protection
Firearms, tripwires, flares and binoculars - everything within personal protection.
Rent a firearm
We offer rentals of firearms, flares tripwires and more.
For renting a firearm on Svalbard, see the Governor's website for terms and conditions.
See pricing for personal protection below, and contact us for booking.
Rent bicycles, sleds and skiis and more
We offer rental services for bicycles, sleds and skiis. Availability vary by season and demand.
Get in touch to book for your next adventure.
How do I get a weapons permit?
Do I need to apply to you in order to rent a weapon?
How much does it cost to rent a rifle?
I can't make the opening hours of the store
Opening hours
Mon - Fri
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 14:00
Elvesletta Nord Vei 509
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